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  • There are three more movies in the set including the Cruel Sea, which is Das Boot for the British, the Ship that Died of Shame, and the Colditz Story.

    Archive 2006-10-01 Tripp 2006

  • There are three more movies in the set including the Cruel Sea, which is Das Boot for the British, the Ship that Died of Shame, and the Colditz Story.

    British war movies Tripp 2006

  • Into the Cruel Sea is, in a way, a coming of age story.

    Into the Cruel Sea by Rich Ristow « Michele Lee’s Book Love 2008

  • The Cruel Sea: While most historical fiction serves to explain history in a literary format, this one explains the life of British anti-submarine sailors in an exciting and moving way.

    Top Ten Tripp 2007

  • And because you sting me with your criticism, TR, I will add that I thought The Cruel Sea was trite and cliched and not nearly as good as HMS Ulysses.

    Top Ten Tripp 2007

  • One of the only novels to show the life of the anti-sub fighters is the Cruel Sea.

    Archive 2006-02-01 Tripp 2006

  • One of the only novels to show the life of the anti-sub fighters is the Cruel Sea.

    I'm on a submarine mission for you baby Tripp 2006

  • TamI would think the Cruel Sea for the B&W category.

    Army Rumour Service 2010

  • TamI would think the Cruel Sea for the B&W category.

    Army Rumour Service 2010

  • TamI would think the Cruel Sea for the B&W category.

    Army Rumour Service 2010


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  • Came here looking for Tex Perkins :-/

    August 19, 2024